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YoU-nIqUe CaPtUrE pHoToGrApHy
Southern Illinois​
Branson, Missouri
"GET FRAMED'" Fun Photo Booth
Photo Booths are the new thing! It's great entertainment for guests at your wedding reception, birthday parties, dances and more to entertain your guest as well as yourselves. Fun props of all kinds will be available to mix and match and create a hilarious scenes and memorable fun photos. A backdrop will be provided, professional lighting equipment, high quality images, props and a photographer are all included with the package deal! Your high quality photos will be loaded onto the online gallery for purchase.

"Get Framed"
1 HOUR ................................................... $179.
2 HOURS ............................................... $199
3 HOURS ............................................... $279
4 HOURS ............................................... $359
Instant Prints .................................... Addtl $200
Photo Booth is now available. Call today to book your event! Lets have some silly fun!! I'll supply the props, you bring the fun! { Instant prints will not be available until 2014 }

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